We decided to share some happy customer reviews with you!

Happy customer reviews have already started rolling in! The Leather Laundry has been operational for 5 odd months now! It has indeed been a roller coaster ride! We have a modest database of 100 loyal customers already, some of whom are also returning customers! It has been an exceptional journey so far and we have been lucky enough to have gathered some very amazing patrons to our credit! Thank you all, for all the love and support that you have extended to us!

We decided to share screenshots of some happy customers reviews with all of you all!

happy customer reviews happy customer reviews happy customer reviews

From having restored beautiful vintage leather gear of their grandparents’ time, to having refurbished their favourite leather possessions to having fixed their expensive leather upholstery, we have literally done it all!

We strive to serve you with the same zeal, dedication and enthusiasm in the time to come!

We request you to continue to support and encourage us like you always have, and we promise to walk that extra mile for you, just so we can bring a smile to your face :)!

Happy customer reviews keep us going! They vindicate our hard work and efforts! We intend to scale up TLL to new heights!


Team TLL


  • jacket

  • Leather Repair Service India



